Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Good Earth

I started reading a very old novel today, it's called The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck. I only finished the first chapter, and started liking it already. It's a Chinese tale telling the story of a farmer who lives with his father, and recently got married to a woman that used to be a slave in a mansion.
And then! I had a thought:
How about if we start a bloggers' book club?
Each month or so , we choose a book, read it, and then we all discuss it.
We can even discuss the book before finishing it, on a daily or a weekly basis let's say.
I really love to read, but only a few of my friends read. So normally i don't find people to discuss my thoughts about the books i read with. But my new blogger friends sound intellectual somehow and might be interested in books and nerdy stuff.
So, what do you say guys?? Bring out the nerd in you! Join Dima's one and only book club on the blogoshpere (although im not sure of that, i bet there are other book clubs)
So who's in? Leave a comment if you would like to join the book club, and feed your mind with the Chinese heritage that is full of wisdom.
Eager to hear your ideas and thoughts.