Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Lately we all noticed those chain letters that are spreading widley about a person who dreamt of the prophet (PBUH) or a Sheikh, or of Aisha the Prophet's daughter, and one of these people told him to forward the email and tell all people about it (whatever its content was). The email mentions that if you don't forward the message something bad will happen to you, and if you forward it something good will happen to you. My reply to this is: PUHHHLEAAASEE!

We really have to stop forwarding these emails because we are not naiive. These email are very negative because they are putting words into the Prophet's mouth (PBUH). Plus we don't know if it's really true if this person dreamt of such people or not. And a lot of people with different names are saying they had such dreams (mashallah kol el ummeh awleya2 9ale7een). Also, we as muslims, must not believe that "you will hear something bad if you don't forward"; because we simply believe in Fate and Destiny. This means that we believe no one can tell the future! I personally never forwarded these messages and el7amdilla nothing bad happened to me and i didn't hear any bad news!

If you feel that some of these emails contain some good prayers or tasbee7at, and you want to forward them because of the ajer of these prayers, you can do so but after erasing the part of the superficial dreams and threats and promises.

I don't know why people who created these emails did in the first place, but maybe they want to measure how much it takes to spread a rumor, or how many people actually believe that the prophet is sending us messages through people, i'm not sure. They are only using the prophet's name because they know how passionate muslims are about him and would do anything the prophet (PBUH) says. There might be actual people who realy did get those dreams, but the conditions and the "future telling" they attach with the email makes it all just unrealistic.

Ok 7akeet kteer i know! But i feel better now :D