Wednesday, January 17, 2007

5 Thing You Don't Know About Me

Well, Wedad tagged me, and since I'm still new on this whole blogging thing, this is my first tag :D
Soooo five things you don't know about me would be:

1) I have a phobia from statues :S, not a reeaal phobia, but whenever i'm near to a statue (including the plastic models in malls) i feel really uncomfortable and i get goose bumps. Especially if the statue was human shaped. I feel that this statue will suddenly whisper a secret in my ear, a secret that I will have to carry it's burden all my life, or what if it winks at me?? What if it's not just a statue? what if it's a real human that got stoned over the ages. ya mamaaaaa :(

2) I was chosen to represent Jordan for two months at the University of Delaware, Delaware, USA in the last summer, in a program for Leadership and American studies.

3) I am currently working on a theory that will hopefully make it not important for humans to sleep. I truly see sleeping as a waste of time. We spend at least 7 hours of the day lying still doing nothing. 3njad it's a waste of time. The world would be much more developed if people didn't have to sleep everyday. We would have had Internet since the last 50 years isntead. My theory will make it possible to sleep for only two hours and still be able to function well.

4) I live alone in Jordan, my family is in Riyadh. This means inni ba3raf keef arakeb jarret el'3az la7aaali :D

5) I tried all hobbies in life: Writing, reading, collecting stamps, acting in plays, drawing, handcrafts, piano, teasing Shadi ibin eljeeran (Shadi kteer zene5 w kaman his brothers Hadi w Fadi azna5 minno, bekafi asma2hom zay ba3ad, they deserved to be teased, i won't feel guilty about that). Elmohem, I am only left with one hobby now: Reading :D
6) Something extra: I met the Dalai Lama.

Ok, tag accomplished, I tag: Faris (Hareega), Sara (Sarazation), Diana (Tulip), and The Vegeterian Shark